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June 22, 2010



Am I missing something, or does the graphics card just work out of the box?


It just works.

Jordan 1

You have inspired me to adapt this project for my high school level design class.


I'm curious, the firewire on the motherboard wok?


Any problems with this system so far ?


As I think I might have mentioned, it doesn't come back from sleep, so I disabled that.
I've also found that my Elgato H.264 Turbo HD hardware video encoder doesn't work. I haven't had a chance to really tinker with that yet.
Other than that, I've had no trouble updating to the latest Mac OS updates, have installed lot of software and just recently put on Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac and iLife 11.


FYI, you can get a used Mac Pro 2.66 quad core for $1099.


A 27" monitor at 2560x1440 resolution is at least $900 now. I got that similar set up. But with a real iMac with 2560x1440 resolution, 2.8 GHz Quad Core i7. I've upgraded it to 16 GB for about $200. All this cost me $1799 today. Yes, I got the iMac (2009 model 2.8 GHz Core i7) for $1599, free shipping, and no tax.

I would save some money and buy the real thing for less, if just for the 178% Full HD display. (Yes, almost Double Full HD resolution!)


Boot failed after MultiBeast due to ElliottForceLegacyRTC.kext panic. Had to boot into alternate OS and remove from /Extra/Extensions then reboot with -f to rebuild cache.


Hi there!
Have you got any problems with the system?
And is the dual screen working?


Update - it is working well. The latest Multibeast fixes USB issues and now the Elgato video encoder does work.
I'm careful when installing system updates and frequently need to re-run Multibeast after a system update.

For those experiencing issues with the instructions above, I can't help further - just reporting what I did and what worked. If you do have issues, maybe install Windows to test the system and ensure that you have the latest BIOS, etc.

For the one person complaining that I need to update this post because the parts list is out of date: sorry, no.

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